A new mechanism for supporting innovative enterprises has been developed. It is described in detail in the forum of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry discussed by the Presidential Decree "On measures to stimulate innovation and the implementation of scientific and technical developments."

At the first stage, it is proposed to create a National Register of resident legal entities dealing exclusively with scientific and technical developments and innovative projects.

Second, all enterprises included in the National Register are offered privileges. In particular, it is planned to release them from all types of taxes and mandatory contributions to state trust funds, as well as the Single social transfer fee for the entire period of implementation of innovation projects. It is also planned to release them from customs payments (except for customs duties) for imported equipment, components, parts, nodes, technological documentation, software not produced in the country.
The draft resolution provides for other benefits, which include allowances for the taxation of labor remuneration for workers and exemption from the mandatory sale of foreign exchange earnings from exports of goods (works, services) of own production.
Among other initiatives put in the basis of the draft resolution and proposal to introduce a rule according to which the funds transferred by organizations to finance innovative projects that are implemented by companies included in the National Register will be deducted from the amount of the profit tax payable, the tax on improvement and the development of social infrastructure, accrued for the corresponding year.